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Re: should etch be Debian 4.0 ?

On Sunday 10 July 2005 21:55, Joris Huizer wrote:
> Johan Kullstam wrote:
> > Let me see if I understand you correctly.  Your
> > reason for having the ambiguity of wether to call
> > it 3.2 or 4.0 is just to keep people from assigning
> > etch a number?
> I think this is quite logical, as there is some
> structure in those numbers - 4.0 means a big leap,
> 3.2 means "smaller " change; nobody can tell right
> now how big the step is from sarge to etch, as it's
> development has just started
> ofcourse, it's just up to the debian development team
> to decide wether the changes are big enough to call
> it 4.0 (anyone know why sarge became 3.1?)
> just some thoughts
> Joris

I'd add that it's not deliberate ambiguity as a means to 
any particular end, so much as it not being an 
appropriate stage of the development of etch for the 
decision to be made if a major or minor version upgrade 
is appropriate. This does matter; this list wouldn't 
take long to hear from a whole tribe of people with 
nothing better to do than complain about unimportant 
things if they decided it was to be 3.2 now and then it 
turned out that the changes were massive and the 
upgrade path difficult... likewise if they decided 4.0 
now and then it turned out the changes were small and 
relatively minor .


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