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scp and scripts?

I am trying to use scp to copy a host file from one firewall to the
other using an ftp server.  Problem is, it requires a username and
password for authentication purposes.  It would be nice if I could get
it to run once a day.  I searched google and came up empty.  I have
done almost no scripting whatsoever and need all any and all
information.  The following is basically what I want the script to do,
but I heard scp will not work with authentication.  I also read about
rsync and tried to get the following one liner to work on the source

scp ramblings:
cd /usr/local/bin/makeconf
cp hosts hosts_old
sftp fwall@server
map to location
get hosts
logout of server
run /etc/cron.daily/inet_access

rsync one liner
rsync * -aHpv root@target ip:/location where it is to be copied
somehow it needs to copy over old host file
now it needs to run /etc/cron.daily/inet_access

Thanks again in advance, I am determined to learn to script, and
appreciate any and all help.

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