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Re: root compromise on debian woody

Hi Kevin,
Forgive me for not ansering sooner...

On Sat, 28 May 2005, Kevin Mark wrote:

Hi Chuck,
Any time someone mentions 'speakup', it peeks my interest to know how
linux is advancing towards better  support for people with vision
difficulties. Have you ever made a comparison between support in the
OS's you have used? Do you have any articles documenting your
experiences? I am working with a group trying to bring Free software to
youth and while we have had supported student who speak non-english languages -- chinese, we have
not had anyone with vision difficulties. It would be helpful to have
someone who is using Debian comment upon this as that is what we use.
Thanks for your time and consideration,

Here is a not-so-current background piece:


You can also get more current info at www.linux-speakup.org

Many distributions now come with "speakup-modified" kernels permitting "eyes free" installation and operation. There are other access solutions besides speakup, but those require that you have a running system before starting the speech access solution. Speakup is a set of kernel patches that allows the console to talk from startup to shutdown. Once a system is running you can switch it to using software speech, but a hardware synthesizer is required normally. Speakup does not support GUI access, although both the gnome folks and the KDE folks are working on access solutions (very slowly). Speakup was developed by blind folks mostly, so the developers have a stake in its performance.

I have only used Slackware and Debian myself, and there is nothing in either distro that bears on the effectiveness of speakup. It works great in both. I prefer Debian for reasons unrelated to access. (as presumably you do, too <smile>)


The Moon is Waxing Crescent (6% of Full)
But you can still get downloads from http://www.mhcable.com/~chuckh

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