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Re: ion2 + x2vnc + multiple workspaces = possible?

On 6/3/05, Todd A. Jacobs <nospam@codegnome.org> wrote:
> On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 09:08:45PM -0500, Stefhen Hovland wrote:
> > I just started using ion2 on my home laptop. I would also like to be
> > able to use it at work while using x2vnc to connect to my windows box
> You're going about this backwards, I think. Run ion inside a vncserver,
> and all your workspaces will be accessible, provided that ALT-[1-9]
> isn't already bound to something on your local display.

I think i need to explain my setup a bit more...

I currently login to my linux box which is is running metacity. I then start
x2vnc which connects my currently logged in X11 session to my windows
box. I have a tightvnc server listening on my windows box, that way I
can connect my currently logged in X session on my linux box to the
actual logged in windows session which I can view on my second monitor
with one keyboard and mouse.
This works great with metacity, but I would like to switch to ion. But
when I go to create a second workspace with "alt-f9", and I switch to
that second workspace, I can no longer move my mouse off of the side
of the screen to my windows box when I am in that second workspace. I
have to switch back to the first workspace where I started the x2vnc
session to get back to my windows box again. I do not know if these
workspaces are totally independent of one another and I cannot share
the x2vnc programs forwarding capability, or if there is just a
configuration variable I need to change that I am not aware about. I
do not know if this is the same thing as switching between my 4
virtual terminals in my gnome session or not, when I create another
workspace, because I can use one x2vnc session over all 4 virtual
terminals in metacity, but not on different workspaces in ion. This is
what I am trying to figure out how to fix.
Hope this helps.


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