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Re: Debian Woody VI (6.1.18)

Incoming from Chris Robinson:
> I wonder if anyone can help me?  I am trying to "VI" a file that appears 

Hopefully you mean "vi"?

> to have control characters.
> They appear as bold "~U|" and bold " | |", without the ".
> I have tried seaching for these characters, with ":/~U" and :/| and 

Backslash, not slash.  Try (no colon or quotes) "/\~U" and "/\|"

> :/ctrlvM etc.  But it appears as if they do not exist.
> Is there any way to search and replace these characters?


Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)    http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling      Please don't Cc: me.
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