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Re: [solved] Small issues, but still annoying

--- Marty <martyb@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> Possibly because you are compiling some feature into the kernel
> instead
> of using the corresponding module.  Who knows how many packages can
> cause the
> module routines to do this?  It's an annoying type of error for a
> message
> to label innocuous conditions as "FATAL," the kind the experienced
> users
> know enough to ignore but stops newbees in their tracks.  The problem
> is apparently that hotplug and udev depend on one of the two module
> packages
> that give these errors if you don't use modules.

Well, it did not stop me from using debian for a few months till I got
tired of seeing these messages and wanted to get rid of them. That's
why I wrote about this. I have enough experience to know that any error
that doesn't turn your screen to total black is not fatal ;)

It turns out that I had two modules (ide-cd and ide-generic) which were
left in /etc/modules and are no longer present. A quick vim and tata.


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