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Re: problem accessing the CD-Rom??

Bruno Boettcher wrote:

don't know why it claims to be busy.... usually i have that kind of
error with driver problems, but here i don't see what could go wrong...

With lsof, you could also try `lsof | grep "mnt"' just to get everthing, but from what you have explained this probably wouldn't be of much help.

Try making a sub directory inside /mnt (like /mnt/cdrom) and try mounting it there. There may already be devices mounted inside of /mnt (lsof /mnt doesn't show anything because `/mnt' specifically isn't being accessed, but something inside is).

tryed with another mount point same error.....
hmm strange, it also makes the exact same error when i forgot to close
the lid.... seems it doesn't even got to chekc if there's actually a
disk in the drive....

noted also that on closing the lid, the HD led and the led on the CD-lid
blinked in the same rythm for several seconds....

but still nothing to see in /etc/mtab or with the df command....

Also, we are sure it's hdc? Master Secondary? Check the dmesg output to see where it comes up, or check /proc/ide/hd(b|c|d)/model

Kernel? Is ide-cd loaded / compiled in.

Have you tried a different CD/DVD in that drive to make sure it isn't something stupid between the two?

A lot of stuff may sound very basic, but I may not know everything you've tried or checked.

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