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Re: PPT to pdf question?

Apparently, _Ishwar Rattan_, on 05/05/05 14:42,typed:
> Is there a tool that will convert a MS-Ppt slides to Postscript
> or PDF format?
> -ishwar

You could try OpenOffice. Recently I was in a similar situation. But the
slides had some math in it and it was not being displayed properly in
OpenOffice (we have an older version of OpenOffice in our labs, btw) so
I just walked over to another lab, logged into a Windows machine and
printed it to PDF from Acrobat -- which I understand is not really a
general solution for everybody.

If you cannot do this in OpenOffice for any reason, and have a Windows
machine, you could try opening it in MS Office and printing to a PS file
and then converting the PS file to PDF via gsview. Alternatively, you
could try ghostword: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostword/


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