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Re: CD ripping suddenly produces garbage

On Monday 25 April 2005 01:34, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> I've tried to rip several different CDs, some of which I've successfully
> ripped in the past.  No joy.  I get the same result with each of my two CD
> drives, and whether I use k3b, audiocd:/ in konqueror, or cdparanoia to do
> the ripping.

I'd suggest reading the changelogs for your ripping software, and for the 
Linux CD driver, and your soundcard, if the CD is ripped through it.  Perhaps 
something has switched from digital ripping to analogue ripping, or vice 
versa.  I expect there are a number of other possibilities, too.

> <gripe>
> I am totally fed up and frustrated with CD drives in Linux.  I'm constantly
> having to screw with them to get them to work correctly.  They work for a
> while, then suddenly they won't play right, won't eject, won't rip, won't
> burn.  It's a f****** pain in the ass.
> </gripe>

Personally, I've never had any trouble with CDs at all, except back before IDE 
CD standards, when I was just getting started with Linux and misunderstood 
something.  You might also want to check if your CD drives have updated 
firmware available, or if they're just flaky, etc.   CDRWs have been a bit 
more troublesome, but again, reading the docs helped a lot.  Mostly, it just 
works for me.


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