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Re: php & apache

Marco Renoldi wrote:

I got apache2 and php4 up and running in my sarge. I need to open a php script in Mozilla-Firefox but the browser asks me what to do with this page. I imagine there's something to configure in apache.conf and/or php.ini. I went through the documentation and found nothing. Someone can help, please?

Marco -

First check that you have configured apache to execute php. In debian, look in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled. You should see symbolic links to /etc/apache2/mods-available/php4.conf and (same path)/php4.load. If not, add the links and restart apache2 (/etc/init.d/apache2 restart).

Test that php works in apache by creating a file in your web document root (probably /var/www) called test.php which contains the following line:


When you browse to http://(your website)/test.php apache should generate and send to your browser a very detailed page of configuration information about apache and all its modules.


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