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Re: gtkdeprecation error?

Hmm ok i'll go try that... but on the requirements page

  • Python-2.2.0 or newer (Python 2.3 recommended due to improvements in the UTF-8 codec)
  • GTK+-2.0 or newer (GTK+-2.2 recommended)
  • PyGTK-1.99.16 or newer (older versions will NOT work)
is listed and i happen to meet all those requirements?

Nagy Attila István wrote:
brandon wrote:

this is a section of a very long list of error codes that i get when i try to run nicotine (a music p2p program)

/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/settingswindow.py:697: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
 self.SettingsTreeview.expand_row((0,), gtk.TRUE)
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/settingswindow.py:698: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
 self.SettingsTreeview.expand_row((1,), gtk.TRUE)
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/settingswindow.py:699: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
 self.SettingsTreeview.expand_row((2,), gtk.TRUE)
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/chatrooms.py:73: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/chatrooms.py:87: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/frame.py:940: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.FALSE is deprecated, use False instead
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/frame.py:274: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.FALSE is deprecated, use False instead
 if self.autoaway:

i am using python-gtk 2.6.1-2, which in turn depends on python2.3-gtk2

All of them (including the ones not listed above) are related to GtkDeprecationWarning. i did a google on it but found nothing... or rather nothing that could solve my problem (only 1 page of results). maybe someone can shed some light on this?

These errors means that the program in question uses some symbols that in the meantime have been deprecated (aka: gone out of fashion:)
If all the errors are about gtk.TRUE and gtk.FALSE than you should search&replace all occurencies of gtk.TRUE with True and gtk.FALSE with False respectively.
By the way as you can see the errors are explaining what should be done ("..., use True instead") so if there are other errors alike, you should try changing the respective lines of code too.
This naturally only applies if you can't find a newer version of the program.

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