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Re: using a traditional font with gnome-terminal

Jochen Schulz <usenet-nospam@well-adjusted.de>:

> > Can anyone please tell me how to use
> >
> > -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1
> >
> > with gnome-terminal? None of the fonts offered by the fancy font menu
> > have anything like the readability or the coverage of that 6x13 font,
> > which seems to be the default for xterm.
> You have to run 'dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig' (as root, obviously) and
> answer 'Yes' to the question about bitmapped fonts. Restart
> gnome-terminal and fixed[misc] should be an option.

That worked. Thank you very much!

Incidently, the reconfigure dialogue claims that it is possible to
enable or disable the bitmapped fonts per user, but I can't find a way
of doing that with the GUI.

While looking for that, I went into Settings -> GNOME Control Centre
-> Font. I didn't change anything, but when I closed the window all
the fonts were screwed up and I couldn't restore them except by
logging out. This looks like a fairly serious bug, but I have no idea
which package is to blame. If anyone does, could they please file a
bug? I'm using KDE, though I did try GNOME a few times earlier. It's a
fairly fresh installation of RC3. However, I did have to manually edit
XF86Config-4 after installing because the installer got the resolution
of my LCD screen wrong and didn't detect one of my mice, in case that

Is there any good reason for the GNOME Control Centre to appear in the
KDE menu system? If there isn't, then removing it might be the fix.

> (Answer to unasked question: I prefer jmk-neep from the package
> xfonts-jmk)

But I use UTF-8 and I want these characters to be available:

Lee Braiden <jel@tundra.ath.cx>:

> I don't use GNOME much,

As stated above, I'm using KDE, but gnome-terminal seems to be the
standard terminal in KDE in Debian 3.1. This was also true for a Red
Hat machine with KDE that I looked at.

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