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Re: Services in Debian

Hal Vaughan wrote:

>Could someone please tell me if my understanding of this is correct?
>I've noticed that when I apt-get a package, that doesn't mean it will be 
>started, but if I start a program (like sshd, or some other service 
>in /etc/init.d/), that it seems to autostart the next time I boot.
>Is that always true, or am I not seeing the entire picture?

No, not always, but generally.

Scripts in /etc/init.d are symlinked in the various runlevels. If a
particular script, say, "ssh", is symlinked in your default runlevel (2
on default Debian systems) with an "S" at the beginning of the name, and
as long as you let the machine boot normally, then that script will run
the next time you boot up. In the case of a default ssh install, it is:

> westk@westkent02:~/NEWVOYAGES$ ls -l /etc/rc2.d/S20ssh
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 13 2004-11-03 10:14 /etc/rc2.d/S20ssh ->
> ../init.d/ssh

(BTW, OT, the "NEWVOYAGES" in my path above is where I've downloaded the
free episodes of "Star Trek: New Voyages". They've basically picked up
where ST:TOS left off, in the fourth year of the 5-year mission. Looks
_very_ much like the original series, except for the actors (and the
acting is pretty bad, but the look is fantastic). Just google if you're


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