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Re: Compiling 2.6.11?!

Eric Scott wrote:
Basically, I'm newbie to kernel compilation, the modules won't compile, I have patches to fix the bug... what do I do. My knowledge consists of "make menuconfig && make clean && make zImage && make modules && make modules_install"... just assume I know absolutely nothing else.

you might spare some trouble using the Debian way of kernel compiling. Quick instructions:

1) Installa the kernel-package and fakeroot packages
2) Download your kernel and place it under /usr/src (e.g. /usr/src/linux-
3) as the normal user yeld make menuconfig (or gconfig or xconfig)
4) as the normal user yeld fakeroot make-kpkg clean
5) as the nromal user yeld fakeroot make-kpkg kernel_image modules_image

This will produce two deb packages in your /usr/src directory.

As root or under sudo install them (e.g. dpkg -i yriueyriehiehe.deb)

Now all should be set, especially if you use GRUB as the boot manager. Before rebooting you might want to check that your grub's menu.lst or lilo's lilo.conf have kept the older kernel to boot from in case you got something wrong.


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