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Re: dig command under testing?

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 15:05:42 -0800 (PST)
Sergio Basurto Juarez <sbasurtoj@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Anyone knows why the dig command does not come as
> default under testing, I also looking for the command
> with
> apt-cache search dig
> apt-cache search dnd information groper 
> and the like and there is no dig package.
> Any help or comment will be appreciated.

dig on my computer is provided by the package 'dnsutils'. According to
"apt-cache show dnsutils", dig is a tool from the Bind source. It comes
with a couple other tools as well, so I would guess that is why they
don't call the package 'dig'.

If you "apt-get install apt-file", then you can start doing things like
"apt-file search dig" to find which package you need to install. Or you
can visit packages.debian.org and use the search tool. Both very handy,
in my experience.


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