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Re: usb device

Then, in that case, what would be the possible explanations behind the message

mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device

By the way, I am not sure if this has anything to do with the problem, but I don't know if it has something to do with the kernel. When I try to configure the kernel with kde I get the following message

"The kernel configuration could not be read due to the following error:
No hardware architecture was specified! Perhaps the kernel source code is not installed on this system, or the path to the kernel sources is entered incorrectly. Either your kernel sources contain invalid configuration rules or you just found a bug in the KDE Kernel Configurator."

It seems that the location /usr/src/linux is empty!

Thanks a lot for your help!

From: Eric Gaumer <gaumerel@ecs.fullerton.edu>
To: Michael Sry <michael_sry@hotmail.com>
CC: greatexcalibur@yahoo.com, debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: usb device
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 09:53:31 -0800

Michael Sry wrote:
Well, The file system on the device is fat32! And it works just fine on

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda,
      or too many mounted file systems

Is it possible that what is wrong is the too many mounted file systems?

Doubtful. It should be sda1 not sda.


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