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Re: website upload

On Saturday March 12 2005 13:03, Kirk Lieberg wrote:
> I own verbridge.com and I'm trying to upload a page to this site but it
> will not take. Instead I have this ad you're your software. Why can I not
> upload my page?

As it is written on the page:

This is a placeholder page installed by the Debian release of the apache Web 
server package. 

This computer has installed the Debian GNU/Linux operating system, but it
has nothing to do with the Debian Project. Please do not contact the Debian
Project about it."  

Make sure you actually upload an index.html file to the web root. That'll 
overwrite the placeholder and make your stuff accessible. Chances are that 
whatever software you're using to create your content created a file called 
"index.htm". There are several ways you can deal with the situation:

1) Delete the file "index.html" on the webserver. Chances are that "index.htm" 
will be recognized and used in that case.

2) Create a copy of your index.htm called index.html and upload it. Note that 
you'll have to keep it current when you're changing index.htm.

3) Tell your software to use the proper .html extension instead of the 
antiquated .htm one.

4) Create a file .htaccess that resets the index file that the server uses and 
upload it to your web presence root.

(Note to all the list participants: I considered it useful to send this to the 
list because it just might become the search engine hit that gets us less of 
those requests ;-) )

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