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Re: Evolution junk filter not working

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 17:45 +0200, Neilen Marais wrote:
> Hi
> I'm running evolution on sarge. Before evolution 2, I used bogofilter to
> filter my spam, but I can't seem to get it working with evolution 2. I
> now use evolution 2, and always mark my spam as junk, but evolution does
> not seem to do any automatic filtering. To test this I made a copy of a
> spam mail, and marked one as junk. When I told evolution to run the junk
> filter on the second copy, it still did not recognise it as spam. 

AFAIK Evolution only uses Spamassassin so make sure you have
Spamassassin installed and configured correctly. (You need a.o. to
edit /etc/default/spamassassin: change "ENABLED=0" to "ENABLED=1")

And test it from the CLI (with spamassassin and spamc).

Also SA works with bayesian filtering so there are two possible
explanations why Evolution (SA in fact) might not recognise the second
copy as junk.
1) SA's bayes db isn't trained enough: you need >200 spam AND >200 ham
messages before the bayesian filtering takes any effect.
2) The message you marked as junk doesn't have enough special
characteristics to be marked as spam even after training it with an
identical message. For more in depth info on this you should read the SA
website and/or subscribe to the great (but very busy) SA mailing list.

> I do have "check incoming for junk" ticked, but not "use external
> filters" in the options->mail settings->junk configuration tab. How can
> I make evolution's spam filtering work withou using external filters?

Why not use the external filters? They increase SA's efficiency


# Mertens Bram "M8ram"   <bram-mertens@linux.be>   Linux User #349737 #
# debian testing            kernel 2.6.8-1-686     i686     512MB RAM #
# 17:36:09 up 17 days, 21:22, 12 users,  load average: 0.43, 0.49, 0.23 #

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