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RE: xmms difficulties

--- Hans said ---

> Rob Brenart (TT) schrieb:
> | 3) It is using the alsa output plugin. I don't understand the second
> | part of this sentence though. (Sorry linux sound has been the
> This may be pretty lame for an answer but have you tried to use the
> output plugin instead?
> AFAIK from the docs/opinions at alsa-project.org the alsa plugin is
> still very buggy and it's definitely the safer shot to go with the OSS
> output plugin in XMMS since it's using a wrapper for alsa.

Sorry, I didn't read the previous posts. But if you are using gnome you
might want to use the esd-plugin instead (and be sure to have esd
running - Desktop Preferences->Sound->Enable sound server).

--- End Quote ---

Well my gnome sound doesn't seem to work for anything, but your previous
suggestion of using the OSS output lets me launch as any user using aoss
xmms and have sound.

Thank you.

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