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Re: Display Manager Problems -- CRY FOR HELP

On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 09:56:30PM -0500, David A. Cobb wrote:

> That leaves me with all the reasons it is a bad thing to log into X as
> root.   Especially, I can't run X applications successfully under
> other usernames.  That has made a real mess of my email archive!!!

If you can't run X as a mortal, you've probably done something to the X
configuration, or to the permissions of one of the sockets it depends
on. I'd try the following things:

    1. dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree86 # Maybe X is hosed?
    2. dpkg-reconfigure -plow gdm # Or GDM?
    3. As a normal user, run "startx 2> error.log" and check the output
       if X still bombs.

Maybe after that, with some actual debugging output, someone else can
offer greater assistance.

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