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Re: Switching from dynamic IP to static IP

On Wednesday, 16.02.2005 at 11:57 -0500, Tong wrote:

> Hi, 
> My IP get changed by my router from time to time, and there is no way to
> assign a fixed IP from the router side. 
> So I need to switch from dhcp to static IP. 
> I've done that in RH before. Basically, I only need to change the
> following two files:
> /etc/sysconfig/network:
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:
> DEVICE=eth0
> BOOTPROTO=static
> ONBOOT=yes
> However, I found that the file /etc/sysconfig/network does not exist in
> Debian. What files should I change in Debian? Thanks.

The 'Debian Way' to do this doesn't involve editing files directly.

Install the program etherconf (or use dpkg-reconfigure etherconf if you
already have it) and it will ask you questions about your IP setup
(DHCP, or static, gateways DNS etc.) and write out the appropriate files
for you.

Dave Ewart - davee@sungate.co.uk - jabber: davee@jabber.org
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