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Re: gnome-cups-icon (print notfication icon)

On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 17:24 -0500, utanja wrote:
> thank you for your answer.....please indicate to me as to what 
> dependencies and configurations i should be looking at to resolve this 
> problem...

I remember to have seen previous postings about this matter...
Never mind, let's start from the beginning.

/bin/gnome-cups-icon is contained in the gnome-cups-manager package.
After apt-get install gnome-cups-manager you should have everything.
You might try apt-get --reinstall install gnome-cups-manager to fix

man gnome-cups-icon tells you what to do (and to expect)

you need a notification area in a gnome-panel, where gnome-cups-icon
will show up during the printing of jobs. Note, it only shows up if
there is a job in the queue/on the printer. This might be the case only
a short time.

You could try to pause the printer and wait for the icon to appear.

It doesn't need to be configured, although I guess your printer has to
be configured appropriately (but I guess this is the case). Anyway, you
could check with gnome-cups-manager.

With ps aux | grep gnome-cups-icon you can check if the tool is still
running (it might crash silently).

Okay, that's what comes to my mind.

If it still doesn't work for you, please give some details. 

Hanspeter Kunz                  Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Ph.D. Student                   Department of Information Technology
Email: hkunz@ailab.ch           University of Zurich
Tel: +41.(0)44.63-54306         Andreasstrasse 15, Office 2.12
http://ailab.ch/people/hkunz    CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Spamtraps: hkunz.bogus@ailab.ch hkunz.bogus@ifi.unizh.ch
He who laughs last didn't get the joke.

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