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Re: Disadvantages of having /tmp as a symlink

Al Nikolov wrote:

I believe than approach with mounting a tmpfs (with max size you need and
restricted only by your virtual memory size) to /tmp is more flexible and
don't interferes with policy issues.

Depends on why you want /tmp as a symlink; on my laptop, I use loop-aes to encrypt anything that isn't part of the core system -- e.g., /tmp, /var, /home, and so on. That way, the only data a thief will get is my more-or-less stock Debian system, whereas all my personal files are protected by AES, and optionally, GPG.

Then again, my swap is also encrypted, so it's not such a bad idea -- I'll see if having a loop-encrypted swap will piss off tmpfs to any great degree.

Don Werve (Unix Sys Admin) | Email: donw AT agentsix DOT net

"Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it.  Action
has magic, grace and power in it." -- Goethe

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