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Re: pruning cruft in /etc/passwd and /etc/group

 --- Andrew Schulman <andrex@alumni.utexas.net> wrote: 
> Over years of testing software, my /etc/passwd and /etc/group files are 
> littered with leftover junk.  Here are some entries in /etc/passwd which

> don't correspond to any actual or useful virtual users that I'm aware 
> of:
> backup bin daemon games irc list lp mail man messagebus operator 
> proxy sync sys uucp

You're wrong. They're used by certain daemons. I am not going to list
every entry against the likely candidate, either. Suffice it to say that
they're part of tradition, and at a lower level, convey the underlying
permissions about how a lot of applications operate.

> Here's a list of questionable entries in /etc/group:
> adm audio backup bin daemon dialout dip disk fax floppy games irc kmem 

It's a matter of convention. "adm" as group ownership is used on a number
of directories in /var. "audio", is used on /dev'ice nodes for sound
applications, "dialout", by the same token as for "audio" - but used on
modem devices. "disk" is used for harddrives and other devices.

> As a general security measure, I want to prune the useless entries from 
> these files (and /etc/shadow too, of course).  The problem is to be sure

> that before I remove an entry, it's not going to make bad things happen.

If you do that, you will break all your permissions on your system at a
fundemental level! Furthermore, I can't quite see where your argument or
concern about security stems from. These are not "users" that login.
They're static -- defined by the system (and fairly common across all
Linux variants, and Unixes that I know of, bar one or two exceptions). The
idea is flawed, and without reason.


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