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Re: Debian on Dell PowerEdge 750

On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 12:12 -0500, Adi Linden wrote:
> I am looking for some feedback on the Dell PowerEdge 750. These are some
> pretty reasonably prices 1U servers, IMHO. I have used PE350 and PE650
> with great success an 0% failure rates.
> The basic Dell PowerEdge 750 comes with SATA (serial ATA) drive and no CD
> or floppy. I am thinking about deploying a cluster of Dell PowerEdge 750
> and using a USB CD-ROM to load sofware.
> Has anyone any experience to share, using USB CD-ROM, using serial ATA or
> anything specific to the Dell PowerEdge 750 and Debian Linux.
We use a bunch of Dell servers (1550, 1650, 1750, 2650, 2850) and they
all seem to run very good in comparison to our other servers
(SuperMicro, IBM, HP). What I really like about Dell is that they will
bend over backwards to help you with a Linux problem. I think it's one
of those "best kept secrets". You don't hear a lot of talk about support
but believe me, it's there.

I see posts from Matt Domsch (head Linux engineer at Dell) on the Linux
kernel mailing list, answering questions -- not asking them. This tells
me they are serious as well as active when it comes to cutting edge
Linux support. Matt is very responsive and enjoys what he does. Don't
get me wrong... I see guys from Intel, IBM, etc... posting as well but
we already know these guys are serious about Linux. Most people don't
realize that Dell is also serious when it comes to Linux and support. I
think they tend to keep quiet about for fear Microsoft getting wind --
they still sell a lot of Windows desktop computers.

Anyway, this really doesn't answer your question. I know I've mention it
before but you can check Dell's Linux mailing list archives and I'm sure
someone there has an experience to share about the particular model in


This used to be an underground thing that Matt did personally but
nowadays Dell seems to be flaunting the idea of supporting Linux as they
have allowed him to setup an "Official" Linux Dell page.

BTW - I have used SATA with some Dell servers and never had a problem.

And no... I don't work for Dell, I'm just a happy customer of about 300
of their servers.

Eric Gaumer <gaumerel@ecs.fullerton.edu>

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