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apache-perl: BRICOLAGE troubles

wow, this is confusing!

On Tue, Jun 29 at 12:57PM -0500, Will Trillich wrote:
> without the two added httpd.conf directives, apache works like a
> champ (so apache-perl is working just fine). then we add these
> two lines, and...
> 	PerlSetEnv BRICOLAGE_ROOT /etc/bricolage
> 	PerlModule Bric::App::ApacheConfig
> so, we followed the debian-specific instructions at
> /usr/share/doc/bricolage of course, and we're not getting very
> far -- "syntax" error?
> # /etc/init.d/apache-perl restart
> Configuration syntax error detected. Not reloading.
> Syntax error on line 1044 of /etc/apache-perl/httpd.conf:
> Unable to register field names: Can't locate object method "ACCESS" via package "Bric::Util::Burner" at /usr/share/perl5/Bric.pm line 323, <DATA> line 1.

so to get past that monster, we added this snippet to httpd.conf:

			package Bric::Util::Burner;
			*ACCESS = *Bric::ACCESS;
	PerlSetEnv BRICOLAGE_ROOT /etc/bricolage
	PerlModule Bric::App::ApacheConfig

which solves the first issue (bandaid to be sure, but at least
we're moving forward)...

so now we get a new error:

	Configuration syntax error detected. Not reloading.

	Syntax error on line 1053 of /etc/apache-perl/httpd.conf:
	Can't locate object method "new" via package "Bric::App::Cache" at /usr/share/perl5/Bric/App/Handler.pm line 135, <DATA> line 1.
	Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Bric/App/ApacheStartup.pm line 87, <DATA> line 1.
	BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Bric/App/ApacheStartup.pm line 87, <DATA> line 1.
	Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Bric/App/ApacheConfig.pm line 49, <DATA> line 1.
	BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Bric/App/ApacheConfig.pm line 49, <DATA> line 1.
	Compilation failed in require at (eval 8) line 3, <DATA> line 1.

but when looking through /usr/share/perl5/Bric/App/Cache.pm
there is most definitely a "sub new { ... }" there. but
apache-perl isn't finding it? (the only "package" statement
before the "sub new{}" is at the top of the file, and as we
expect it's "package Bric::App::Cache;". aaaaugh!)

the libs (@INC) are apparently set up to properly find files in
/usr/share/perl5 as you can see -- why is it having trouble
loading this? not much hair left to pull out...

anybody got some perl/bricolage pointers?

I use Debian/GNU Linux version 3.0;
Linux boss 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i586 unknown
DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #90 from Der.Hans <deb-user@LuftHans.com>
and Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
	man CPAN
Not too many manpages need capital letters. (It's a Perl module
that comes with Perl, or at least has since Potato or before.)
	perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'
CAVEAT: if the Perl module is not packaged in *.deb Debian
format (and about 270 are), the next best thing is to use the
dh-make-perl, which can build debian packages on the fly out of

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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