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Re: [OT] yahoo protocol switching

Nori Heikkinen wrote:
see my original post:

    > i tried upgrading to the latest debian release of the yahoo
    > messenger off their website, but that doesn't work for me,
    > either.

( gee )


read the manual ..... :-)  ;-)
OT :
several months ago, in my office, there's a bunch of y!mess users.
then my network admin got tired and stop the service without mercy.
of cource there's an exception for those users who really need it to comunicate
with their business relations out of our network.
then he set jabber server up for internal network purpose.
we'd got a bunch ( again ) of complaints from those users that must migrate to
jabber with various silly arguments :
"there's no cute emoticons for d*** sh**, i love them !"
"where the h** the IMVironments go ?"
and my network admin answered with his cuty innocent face ;
'go chat with your f******yahoo in your d*** home !! not in my f****** network ! )
---now they enjoy it........MAKE IT WORKS IN YOUR OFFICE



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