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Re: Another "testing" vs "unstable" question

On 2004-06-25, Brian Astill penned:
> And Monique and others think this is simple???

When did I say that?

If you're referring purely to the naming conventions, I agree that
they're confusing, but no one's been able to come up with a better way
to handle it.  Usually, the people proposing new names are, well, new to
the system, and the names they suggest are based on a faulty
understanding of the characteristics of the various options.

Also, the devs have made it clear that changing the names would be a
major pain in the butt; I guess I believe that there are more valuable
issues on which they can spend their time.

There are no one-word descriptions of the characteristics of the three
options, so any name is going to be slightly flawed.  It seems to be
human nature to assume that stable->testing->unstable is a spectrum from
rock-solid to flakey, and that may be the case at any given time, but
that's not what defines them.  I guess you just have to read enough
debates that finally the lightbulb goes on and you "get" it.  That's
what finally happened to me last year some time.


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