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Re: setting message queue size

Nick Smith wrote:
> Does anyone know where to set the message queue size for postfix? I know
> where to set the mailbox size and message size limit etc, but I am getting
> these error messages:
> mailserver postfix/smtpd[474]: connect from murphy.debian.org[]
> mailserver postfix/smtpd[474]: NOQUEUE: reject: MAIL from
> murphy.debian.org[]: 452 Insufficient system storage;
> proto=ESMTP helo=<murphy.debian.org>
> mailserver postfix/smtpd[474]: warning: not enough free space in mail queue:
> 2762018816 bytes < 1.5*message size limit

That is saying you are out of disk space.  You can't fix that in
software.  Or at least postfix thinks that you do not have enough disk
space in the queue directory to hold the message.

What does df say?

  df -lh

You may be using many smaller partitions and have disk space allocated


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