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Re: Can't play audio CD's

On Thursday 03 June 2004 12:39, James Hosken wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've just got my sound card working by installing the 2.6.6 kernel. I've
> been using xmms to play some mp3s. But I can't play and audio CD's.
> I understand that you don't need to mount the CD to play it. But I can't
> work out what I need to do to play the CD.
> I've googled and looked over at xmms.org but I couldn't find any to tell
> me what to do.
> I've got a DVD and a CD-RW setup as
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 Nov 26  2003 cdrom1 -> hdc
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Feb 12 21:34 cdrom2 -> scd0
> I'm a member of the following grups
> james cdrom audio www-data src
You need to check the permissions of /dev/hdc and /dev/scd0.  If their group 
is not cdrom (or something else you belong to), you won't be able to read 
them.  Given the error message below, I'd be surprised if the actual device 
nodes were OK.

> In the Xmms Preferances, I've gone to CD Player Audio Config and set the
> first device as /dev/cdrom1
> and the directory as /mnt/dvd
> On checking the drive I get the error
> "Failed to open device /dev/cdrom1
> Error: Permission denied
> Directory /mnt/dvd OK."
> Please could some one tell me what I need to do to get this working.
> Regards
> James
Justin Guerin

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