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Re: testing open ports on the user's side

hi ya

On Fri, 28 May 2004, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:

> I'm working on a web site that includes streamed rich media files. I need
> a way to test to see which ports the user can access if they're behind a
> firewall. I'm guess that I need to try and send them an object (a picture
> maybe?) on one of the ports I need information about and then see if the
> picture is received or not.

any secure site will only allow port 80 or port 443 for web ...

all other ports is disallowed ...  ie nothing else will work
	- if other ports is allowed ... nice things can also come
	into their secure box thru those open ports

- imho, people should download what they want ... not be sent stuff they
  dont want .. no clickie, no object to come down the pike

- you know the pic was received ... by looking at your logs
  and see that xxx bytes of that file was sent vs aborted

- if they have java running in their browser, you can get any other
  info you want if they allow it to send out info

c ya

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