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Re: 2.6.6 unsupported wireless? That can't be true!

Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> On Thu, May 27, 2004 at 07:46:21AM +0200, Martin Hermanowski wrote:


Have you been able to get a wireless connection with another kernel?
If not, it's best to start of with as less security features enabled as
Maybe just the ESSID but leave the rest turned off. (WEP,Mac address
control etc) That way, you'll be sure that no other settings are out of

It also helps to setup the machines in the same room because then
you'll know no walls or anything else is getting in the way.
I would also start with giving my wireless nic a static ip address.
And check the logs of the router. That might turn up some interesting

Also make sure you check the products data sheets thoroughly.
For instance, after a lot of hairpulling, if found out that my wireless
doesn't see my router anymore if i stop the router from broadcasting
it's SSID. Go figure. Expect these kind of weird things.
Oh and the products were from the same vendor.


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