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Re: [OT] Yahoo's Antispam proposal

On Sat, May 22, 2004 at 12:21:50AM +1000, Darryl Luff wrote:
> On Thu, 20 May 2004 10:35 am, Steve Lamb wrote:

Trade offs, no doubt.

> - I have a few email addresses. When I send email from home that is work 
> related, I set my From: address to my work email. When I send 
> sourceforge-related stuff, I use my sourceforge address. This mail would be 
> bounced using any of these systems because the mail gets sent from my home 
> machine.

Have to use a smart host for all your sending.  Seems like a pain, but
now I send all my mail form a single host.

> - Implementation is optional. If I'm sending SPAM, I only need to find one 
> domain in the world that doesn't have this system implemented, and send all 
> my spam using From addresses in that domain. Remember that this domain only 
> has to exist, it doesn't need to even have an email system.

The idea is you use it with some blocking list, right?

> - And they assume that DNS is secure and un-spoofable.

I do sender callouts, too.  If someone hijacked DNS that would show up.
Or do you mean something else?

Bill Moseley

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