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Re: mozilla-firefox & extensions

On Wednesday, 12 May 2004 00:40, Matt Price wrote:
> On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 11:17:31AM +0800, Alexander Nordström wrote:
> > On Friday, 7 May 2004 03:16, Matt Price wrote:
> > > anyonee lse having trouble installing extensions with mozilla-firefox
> > > 0.8-8 on Sid?  I keep trying to install mozex and it doesn't seem to
> > > actually install.  I have two other extensions working (Bookmarks
> > > Synchronizer and Session Saver) but they also seemed to install rather
> > > reluctantly (lots of extra "x has been installed" popup windows).
> > > Does this behaviour sound familiar to anyone?
> >
> > b) apt-get upgrading Firefox will botch root-installed extensions. See
> > http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=206097 for details.
> thanks for the tip.  However, I don't think this is the problem in my
> case -- I've tried it with several different extensions that have
> installed fine with earlier versions of firebird, and in each case
> I've had the same problem. 

That's what 206097 is about, at least in part, sort of. If you install an 
extension and subsequently upgrade firefox, not only will your root-installed 
extensions get clobbered (user-installed extensions are safer, but I can't 
say to what extent), you will also be unable to re-install those extensions. 
So if you had it installed before, the only way to re-enable yourself to 
install them may be to uninstall and remove the configuration files too (you 
should be able to keep most, if not all, of the stuff in your home directory 
profile), and reinstall.

Also, the fact that you get notified several times for extensions if you've 
installed other extensions first is a known issue, and the recommendation is 
to restart the browser every time an extension is installed. It seems to come 
up a bit even without that provocation, but less severely so.

> I've also chown'd and chmod'd all the 
> files in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox and /var/lib/mozilla-firefox so that
> my user has write access to them -- again, no luck. 

You do not want to have users with write access in common areas like /usr/* 
or /var/*. Not because it's causing the problem, but because it's bad policy. 

Read permissions should be sufficient. Generally the ones of interest are the 
ones in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/chrome.

> Now firefox 
> crashes whenever I  try to install an extension -- and as far as I can
> tell, does so without giving any messages or anything.  anyone know if
> firefox has a log anywhere?  I myself cant find it...

That isn't pretty. It seems it has a tendency to stuff up especially when it's 
unable to read some file that it needs. I think the reason you're not getting 
any output to standard error is that /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox contains a 
whole bunch of  2>/dev/null > /dev/null for reasons beyond my understanding. 
Try removing that from the end of all lines where they appear, and see if 
that helps.


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