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Re: Does nice-ness exist for bandwidth? [sic]

maybe shaper can help, and also have a look at network queueing options in the kernel and netfilter

On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 02:52:33AM +1000 or thereabouts, Lex Hider wrote:
> Can I nice various network jobs [eg, web-browsing, apt-get update, mail-get]
> like I would a CPU process.
> Here's the deal.
> Using nice on my linux box is great.
> eg.
> nice make-kpkg --revision=x kernel_image
> While compiling my kernel I still get priority to other
> things that I'm doing [mozilla, ooffice, etc] but if I'm
> not doing anything all my cpu cycles go to the compile.
> [I'm sure most people know what nice is but I want to make
> sure my point is clear.]
> I'd like to do the same thing with respect to bandwidth.
> eg.
> netnice wget http://foo.com/dirty_big_download
> netnice apt-get dist-upgrade
> Now if I'm web-browsing and reading a page already loaded
> all the bandwidth goes to wget/apt-get.
> But when I am loading a web-site or checking my mail then
> the priority for the bandwidth goes to the browser like
> in the cpu-nice example.
> =======
> Does an application that achieves the above exist currently?
> If not; is it possible or even a good idea?
> Thankyou,
> Lex.
> PS - I'd appreciate a CC because I'm not on user list but
> I will check the web archives regardless.
> -- 
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