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Re: [OT Why GB English is different] Re: Mozilla firefox en-gb

On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 10:18, Roel Schroeven wrote:
> In Dutch, we say (simplified by writing some number numerically):
> 1 biljoen
> 222 miljard
> 333 miljoen
> 444 duizend
> 555

If English (both flavors, or flavours for our GB friends :), if we had a
'milliard' this problem never would have come up. The reason that I
personally believe the US 'corrupted' the term billion is because, as
William Ballard said earlier, Americans tend to group their digits by
commas. So each time you insert a comma, you change the name. We're left

100               - One hundred
1,000             - One thousand
1,000,000         - One million
1,000,000,000     - One billion
1,000,000,000,000 - One trillion

Now, if we would have added a term such as 'milliard', that would have
taken the place of 'billion' and then 'billion' would be in the 'proper'
place. But, as with most other things English, this kind of stuff
happens. Enough wrongs do end up making a right. (Coincidentally, what's
the accepted way to say 'pecan' in GB English? According to my US
dictionary, there are no fewer that FOUR proper pronunciations.)

Alex Malinovich
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