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Re: Startinf fvwm

On Sat, Dec 25, 2004 at 08:02:48AM -0800, alireza faryar wrote:
> When I run fvwm, it complains that can't open display.
> What am I missing,

X !!

You can't run fvwm from the Linux console, you have to start X first,
and then fvwm.  There are several ways to make sure fvwm gets run
automatically when you start X:

 configure it as your "x-window-manager" with update-alternatives:

   update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

 hard-code it into a ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession script, e.g.:

	xset b 5 100 100
	xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
	xsetroot -solid black
	xterm -bw 0 -geometry 1014x100+0+690 &
	unclutter &

I do it the second way (more or less).  If you start X with "startx" you
need to call the script ~/.xinitrc, if you use a display manager (gdm,
xdm or kdm) you need to call it ~/.xsession

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