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Re: cron.daily, howto control mailed reports

set the MAILTO variable in the script




/etc/init.d/ntpdate restart

afaik, that would work.

Joao Clemente wrote:
Hi people.
In a server I setup recently I tougth of keeping the clock sinc'ed by running ntpdate daily. I wrote a script calling
/etc/init.d/ntpdate restart
and I placed it in /etc/cron.daily.

Why do I receive daily reports (in my mail system) from this particular script being runned, but not from other also existant in /etc/cron.daily?

Ps: I just notisted an report from another script that I'm running hourly.. but it seems to have only reported 1 time, when there was an output to stdout... can that be it? If there is something in stdout cron will report to the mail system, otherwise it will run silently?

Joao Clemente

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