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Sharing dfsbuild experiences.

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I am playing around with dfsbuild; specifically, I am trying to create
an image that will fit on a mini CD and that will be useful for
day-to-day sysadmin tasks like backing up/repairing file systems and
debugging networking issues.

I do have a configuration (included at the end of this post) that yields
a usable system. Yet, I would like to solicit input, mainly on my choice
of packages: Did I leave anything really important out? Is there
anything that seems utterly superfluous?

I would love sharing the ISO file, too, but with my DSL connection it
would take hours to download it. Is there anyplace where I could make
the ISO available so people could give it a spin? SourceForge doesn't
seem to like the idea (they haven't responded to my request for a new
project) and Savannah doesn't seem like the right place for this kind of
~ project. Is there any place where I could host the ISO for free?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

- --------- dfs.conf --------

name = Debian From Scratch (DFS)
version = 0.6.12
builder = Juergen Fiedler <juergen@fiedlerfamily.net>
dlrepos = testing
suite = testing

compress = yes
dontcompress = /boot
~        /etc/*boot*
~        /opt/dfsruntime/initrd.dfs

libdir = /usr/lib/dfsbuild
docdir = /usr/share/doc/dfsbuild/

mirror = http://ftp.debian.org/debian

devices = scd0 scd1 scd2 scd3 scd4 hda hdb hdc hdd hde hdf hdg

ramdisk_files = /etc/resolv.conf
~        /etc/lvm*
~        /etc/pcmcia
~        /tmp
~        /var/tmp
~        /dev
~        /etc/fstab
~        /var/lock
~        /var/run
~        /var/state
~        /etc/exports
~        /etc/ppp
~        /etc/chatscripts
~        /root
~        /etc/network
~        /var/lib/misc

makedirs = /root/.elinks
deletefiles = /etc/rcS.d/*discover
~        /etc/rcS.d/*hotplug
~        /etc/rcS.d/*lvm

unpackdebs = kernel-image-2.6.8_dfs.1_i386.deb

dlrepos = testing
packages =  at atsar bash bind9-host buffer busybox-static bzip2
cdbackup cdebootstrap cdrecord checkservice coreutils cpio cpuid
cramfsprogs dar darkstat ddrescue devfsd dhcp-client diff discover
disktype dlint dnsdoctor dnsutils dnswalk doscan dosfstools dump
e2fsprogs e2tools e2undel ext2resize fake faubackup flexbackup ftp gawk
gpart hdparm hfsplus hfsutils hotplug hping2 hunt icmpinfo icmpush
idswakeup ifupdown info ipcalc ipchains iperf ipfwadm ipgrab iproute
iptables iptraf iptstate iputils-ping iputils-tracepath jfsutils john
launchtool lde less log-analysis lrzsz lvm2 lynx macutils man-db
manpages minicom mkisofs module-init-tools modutils mon ms-sys mt-st
mtools mtr-tiny nano nast net-tools netcat netdiag netsed ngrep nslint
nstreams ntpdate nwatch packit parted patch pciutils pcmcia-cs perl ppp
pppconfig pppoe pppoeconf python raccess rain rdiff-backup recover
reiser4progs reiserfsprogs rsh-client rsync screen sendip sipcalc
sleuthkit slurm smb-nat smbc smbclient sniffit socket ssh strace
subversion swatch sysstat sysutils tar tcpdump tcpick tcpslice tcptrace
tcputils telnet testdisk tethereal traceroute udftools umsdos unzip
usbutils util-linux vim wget whois wireless-tools xfsdump xfsprogs zip
zone-file-check zonecheck burn mtools ntfsprogs umsdos afio bcrypt biew
bonnie++ cpio cstream dar dbench ddrescue disktype dnotify dump
duplicity hdup hexcat hexcurse hexer lde linuxinfo lshw mdbtools mondo
mondo-doc multicd rpl sec sharutils sysutils tree usbutils vlock xtail
emacs21-nox grub lilo read-edid testdisk gpart ftape-util
bootloader = grub-no-emul

[repo stable]
suite = stable

[repo testing]
suite = testing

[repo unstable]
suite = unstable

/etc/resolv.conf= nameserver

/etc/network/interfaces = auto eth0
~  iface eth0 inet dhcp
~  auto lo
~  iface lo inet loopback

~  iface eth1 inet dhcp
~  iface eth2 inet dhcp
~  iface wlan0 inet dhcp
~  iface wlan1 inet dhcp
~  iface wlan2 inet dhcp
~  iface ath0 inet dhcp

~  iface eth9 inet static
~        address
~        netmask
~        broadcast
~        gateway

/etc/issue = Welcome to Debian From Scratch (DFS)
~ .
~ To login, supply username "root" and just press Enter if asked for a
~ password.

/root/.bashrc = export WWW_HOME="file:///opt/dfsruntime/home.html"

/etc/hostname = dfs

/etc/syslog.conf = *.*             /dev/tty8
~ *.info                            /dev/tty7

/etc/emacs/site-start.el = (custom-set-faces)
~  (custom-set-variables
~   '(menu-bar-mode -1 t)
~   '(standard-indent 2)
~   '(user-mail-address "juergen@fiedlerfamily.net")
~   '(scroll-bar-mode nil))

/etc/mtab = /proc/mounts

- ---------------------------

- --
Juergen Fiedler
JID juergen@fiedlerfamily.net
GPG Key ID B06D4779
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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