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Slapd freaks

Hi Members!

  I've an interesant experience with slapd version 2.1.30-3. I tried with
two different hardware and two different kernel, 2.4.27 and 2.6.9 with
alan cox 11 patch.
  The symptom is, in stochastic times and events I try some ldap
operation, the load average is growing drastic. The log level is -1 but I
don't find any error or bizarre entry. I killed the processes, restart the
slapd and the end I restarted the machine. The slapd is starting corectly
but any operation have the same result. But if I make a dpkg -P slapd;
apt-get install slapd then evrything is okey for a time. I tried some
slapd.conf parameters to change, the backend and directory type bdb and
ldbm, the last options:

schemacheck             on
pidfile                 /var/run/slapd/slapd.pid
argsfile                /var/run/slapd.args
loglevel                -1
modulepath              /usr/lib/ldap
moduleload              back_bdb

backend                 bdb
cachesize               5000
checkpoint              1 1
mode                    0600
lockdetect              youngest
searchstack             64

database                bdb

  Has anybody experience with this failure?

  Best Regards

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