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once upon a time, a happy woody installation lived on a healthy server. But 
there system was quite outdated, a newer Squid, samba, etc. was needed so I 
changed to testing. With a system, a happy apache-ssl deamon interacted  with 
his nice companion libapache-auth-pam in order to generate a framework for 
user authentication, based on the the systems NIS Map. A  nice NIS server was 
also hosted on that machine. A few apt-get upgrades later, libapache-auth-pam 
refuses to accept NIS as PAM-backend, although other servers in that our 
network uses NIS without any kind of problem. libapache-mod-auth-pam always 
try to use /etc/passwd / shadow based authetication, which is doomed to 
failure, because a use a merged NIS-passwd map and /etc/shadow is not 
readable for apache.
Thus I'm looking for the magical switch, the replaced configuration file, the 
altered default, etc. to make libapache-mod-auth-pam to use NIS again.

Any ideas?

Keep smiling
Achtung: Die E-Mail-Adresse jluehr@netcologne.de wird in Kürze 
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