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Re: [OT] Printing hardcopy from an application

On Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 06:28:57AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> David wrote:
> >On Sat, Nov 13, 2004 at 04:33:52PM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

> >>I use Qt from Trolltech for that sort of stuff. Granted that means C++. 
> >>If that is no problem, everything becomes easier because you use its 
> >>classes for everything, including printing.

> >Well.. actually, I've never tried writing C++ code, but as a matter of
> >fact, just a day or two ago, I had downloaded some documentation on C++
> >considering getting into it - mainly for the class structuring.

> >>What I do is mostly 
> >>graphics, so maybe that changes things.

> >Well, again, perhaps coincidentally, I had considered converting this
> >program to a GUI app, just for the fun of it, mostly.  However, I've
> >been trying to learn GTK.  Unfortunately, if I understand correctly, GTK
> >doesn't support printing directly, but you have to extend into the GNOME
> >interface for printer support.  I was hoping to not spread myself too
> >thinly by adding another interface (GNOME) to learn.
> I use Qt downloaded from their site. Down side of that is that you have 
> to compile it. Upside is that you get everything all at once. Debian has 
> all their stuff but in separate packages.

That wouldn't be a problem here.  Although I'm trying to be close to
100% Debian, I already have a little stuff in /usr/local/ so a little
more would not hurt.

> Anyway, they have a very extensive examples section and excellent 
> documentation that refers to the examples. You can't beat it. So it 
> would be a matter of starting with their examples and changing it. They 
> claim on their site that various universities use them as the C++ 
> teaching tool. Also with them you are platform independent. I have not 
> tried their latest claim to fame: app generation from GUI. I start with 
> code. You might try that too.

I definitely will look into it.  Again, I've never tried C++
programming, but perhaps it's time I got into it.

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