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Squirrelmail on stable: change_password plugin

I've got Squirrelmail working on my server.  I've added the
change_password plugin to it (since many users won't have shell

Problem is, it doesn't work.  Clicking "Change Password" on the SM
"Options" screen gives this error from apache-ssl: "The requested URL
/squirrelmail/src/SM_PATHplugins/change_pass/options.php was not
found on this server."  Obviously the Squirrelmail path is either not
set or set wrong.  I suspect that the version of change_password I
downloaded expects a newer Squirrelmail than 1.2.  (Of course the
module isn't a Debian package.)

I'm no PHP guru. Anyone have a way to fix this?
Carl Fink             carl@fink.to        
Jabootu's Minister of Proofreading

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