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Re: inclde filed not found

On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 15:20 +0530, Micheal Mukherji wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am new to debian.
> Actually, I wanted to install qmail and friends so I downloaded the
> source and sat down to compile it.
> But to my surprise, it says some include files are not found. I
> checked for glibc, 'apt' says, it is installed. Still I am not able to
> find a single common include file in /usr/include.
> What are those packages that need to be installed in order to have
> those include files in my system.

Such files are kept in -dev packages.  So, you probably need:

Here's how I found it:

$ apt-cache search libc6|sort
acroread-plugin - Adobe Acrobat(R) Reader plugin for mozilla / konqueror
altgcc - Alternate gcc package for the libc5 environment.
apt - Advanced front-end for dpkg
apt-utils - APT utility programs
debian-policy - Debian Policy Manual and related documents
ldso - The Linux dynamic linker and library for libc4 and libc5.
libc5-altdbg - The Linux C library version 5 (alternative debug files).
libc5-altdev - The Linux C library version 5 (alternative dev files).
libc5 - The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libraries).
libc6-dbg - GNU C Library: Libraries with debugging symbols
libc6-dev - GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files
libc6 - GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone data
libc6-i686 - GNU C Library: Shared libraries [i686 optimized]
libc6-pic - GNU C Library: PIC archive library
libc6-prof - GNU C Library: Profiling Libraries
libcompfaceg1 - Compress/decompress images for mailheaders, libc6
libcompfaceg1-dev - Compress/decompress images for mailheaders, libc6
libdl1-altdev - The Linux dynamic linker library (libc5 altdev files).
libg++27-altdev - The GNU C++ libraries (libc5 version)
libregex0 - GNU regular expression library, run time libraries. [libc5]
libtext-iconv-perl - Convert between character sets in Perl
manpages-ja-dev - Japanese version of the manual pages (for developers)
manpages-pt-dev - Portuguese Versions of the Manual Pages
realplayer - Real Player (installer)
termcap-compat - Compatibility package for old termcap-based programs.
xviewg-dev - XView development tools [libc6]
xviewg - XView shared libraries [libc6]

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B

"A busy mother makes slothful daughters."

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