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TeX fax fonts

I would like to send a fax from a document generated by LaTeX.  My
understanding is that the standard computer modern fonts are not ideal
for faxing, so I've been trying to use something better.

I tried
but this doesn't seem to be doing much.  The postscript output
indicates it does use different fonts.  However, judging from a
printed copy and xdvi, the main fonts appear to be the same.  They are
definitely serif, and I thought sans-serif was recommended for faxing.

The only visible differences are for the worse: bold face is not bold,
and the italic font is the same as the general one.

I tried
which is supposed to convert italic to calligraphic, but the result is 
! No declaration for shape OT1/hlce/m/it

The lucidabr docs have some installation instructions; I have assumed
things are already set up.  Is that my error?

Or, to make this actually work, do I need some commercial fonts?

Anyway, if anyone has advice on how to make good faxes with TeX, or
answers to the particular puzzles above, I'd be very grateful to hear


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