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Re: Unmount Question

Silvan wrote:

> On Thursday 02 September 2004 09:32 pm, Steven Feinstein wrote:
>> I have an NTFS drive that I mount as ReadOnly.  I have found that when I
>> use Konqueor to browse the drive and then exit Konqueor, I am not allowed
>> to unmount the drive.  I get the error "device is busy".
>> I close all apps, but I can't find a way to be allowed to unmount the
>> drive. This seems to only occur through Konqueor.
> If you have a look, (maybe ps aux|grep slave) you'll probably find some
> kind
> of ioslave process still running, keeping it busy.  Killing it might free
> it up.
> Just a guess, really.  I've noticed KDE has problems with ioslaves of
> various
> flavors getting stuck like this.  Usually no real harm comes of it, but it
> can be annoying.

Thanks.  I ran kpm and saw that Konqueor still had a process with a -silent
listed next to it.  I killed that process and I was able to unmount the
device.  I don't know if needs that process, but I was able to load
Konqueror again without problems (and again the -silent process remained).

I wonder if this is a setting that can be changed or just the way it was
designed (so maybe it starts up faster??).


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