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subversion: svn_load_dirs script gives permission denied errors.

I am playing around with the cvs version drupal, so I have created a 
subversion repository to put my various mods in.  This seems to be working 

However, I am trying to follow the instructions given in the subversion 
documentation to update the version of my "vendor" branch (ie the one which 
is holding the snapshots of drupals cvs files) and svn_load_dirs tells me I 
have a permissions problem.  Here is the (relatively brief) output from the 
run.  I have checked the permissions of the local files - they are all owned 
by me - the permissions of the files on the server(as seen from the file 
system as opposed to subversion) are all owned by svn (which is the owner 
that runs the svnserve process from ident).  

What is wrong?

alan@kanger drupal $ svn_load_dirs -t 20040827 svn://roo.home/drupal/vendor 
current .
Directory . will be tagged as 20040827
Please examine identified tags.  Are they acceptable? (Y/n)

Checking that the base URL is a Subversion repository.
Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD svn://roo.home/drupal/vendor

Finding the root URL of the Subversion repository.
Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD svn://roo.home
Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD svn://roo.home/drupal
Determined that the svn root URL is svn://roo.home/drupal.

Native EOL on this system is \012.

Finding if any directories need to be created in repository.
Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD svn://roo.home/drupal/vendor/current
No directories need to be created to prepare repository.
Checking out svn://roo.home/drupal/vendor/current 
into /tmp/svn_load_dirs_UyTyYFypX4/my_import_wc
Running /usr/bin/svn checkout svn://roo.home/drupal/vendor/current 

Loading . and will save in tag 20040827.
U   xmlrpc.php
U   update.php
U   index.php
U   cron.php
A   themes/pushbutton/.svn
A   themes/pushbutton/.svn/format
/usr/bin/svn_load_dirs: copy 'themes/pushbutton/.svn/format' to 
Permission denied
Cleaning up /tmp/svn_load_dirs_UyTyYFypX4

Alan Chandler
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
 then they fight you, then you win. --Gandhi

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