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screen vs. multiple xterm's was: Re: "screen" saves life, all in a day's work

Will Trillich wrote:

<>okay, it's a bit of hyperbole. but MAN i don't remember what
life was like a few weeks ago without "screen"!

there i was, minding my own business...


Sounds great in this case!

<>very, very sexy, this "screen" thing. very!

I keep looking at "screen." I just tried it again. My temporary conclusion is that it would be obviously very valuable when not running X. When running X I more often than not want to see two or more consoles (xterms, etc.) at the *same* time.

Clearly I could make all of my xterms into "screen"'s and get the best of both worlds but it's not clear at this point why I would want to bother. Could some of you "screen" users suggest some circumstances under which I would benefit from this? How does "screen" beat multiple xterms?


Paul Scott

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