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Re: `who` output keeps showing logins that have really logged out.

Tom wrote:
> * [Friday 30 July 2004 15:34] Adam Funk:
>>For a few weeks now I've been finding logins listed in the `who`
>>output that are not really logged in.  I've found out how to clear
>>them (`cat /dev/null>/var/run/utmp`) but I'd like to cure the
>>problem.  The false entries all seem to refer to xterm sessions
>>(running bash but without the -l option), but only a few xterm
>>sessions fail to get registered as logged out.
> Pretty useless reply, but I've noticed the same thing. It's been like 
> that for several months here, now.

Every Unix implementation has had their utmp implementation broken for
months or years at a time at least once.  HP-UX did it twice in the
9.x-10.x series.  It's just a fact of life - use ps or something else.  :-)

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recipient's ISP, and possibly other parties.  You can make sure your
emails are private by using GNU Privacy Guard <http://www.gnupg.org> and
an email plug-in like Enigmail <http://enigmail.mozdev.org>.

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