Re: can a SSH server initiate a connection?
> Do you control firewall?
> If yes : use DNAT to redirect external connection to SSH server
> (if firewall is NAT box)
> or open port 22 and forward connectio to internal hosts
There's a firewall I control (which allows port 22 so long as the SYN packet
comes from inside), but that's behind a NAT router, so the only way to "find"
my server on the internet is if IT initiates the connection.
> If no but still legally OK to connect from outside:
> Does internal host accessible from other means
> * can you recieve mail and mail is processed with procmail
> * do you have dial-in modem connected to pc
> --> use these to initiate process which
> connects from inside to outside with SSH. If
> needed using open port such as 80 or even DNS one and operate
> special SSHD on the other side listning to that port.
> Then set up port forwarding or so.
> -->Connect through SSH tunnel backward from outside to inside.
This last suggestion looks promising, how do I go about it?
> But why connect from outside of firewall if firewall prevent you to do
> so. Maybe that is a bigger question :)
I've set up a server for a small organisation which works in the offices of a
bigger but entirely separate one. The bigger org. has a DSL connection which
is shares with this small org. The firewall stops not just unwanted internet
attacks on the small org, but also anything originating from the bigger org.
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